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Debt Protection

Do everything you can to take care of the ones you love.

Centric proudly offers Debt Protection services to ensure you’re protected when life’s challenges come your way.


Debt Protection
Your family means everything to you. And if the unexpected happens, you don’t want an emotionally trying situation to be compounded by financial worry. That’s why there’s Debt Protection, which may cancel your loan balance or payments.


Life Plus
For additional protections, Life Plus can extend your Debt Protection to address a wide range of circumstances, giving you the reassurance of knowing you’ve taken steps to help secure your finances.


FactsLifeDisabilityInvoluntary Unemployment
What happensProtected borrower passes awayA covered disability occurs due to injury or illnessA covered job loss occurs
It cancels this* Your payments or loan balanceYour loan payments Your loan payments
Your loan payments
Have an eligible loan. Are a permanent employee who is actively working*.Are a permanent employee who is actively working*.


Want to enroll?
Contact your Loan Officer today to add Debt Protection to your new or existing loan today!


Need to file a claim?
To begin, please fill out a claim form here.*

If you prefer, call 1.800.621.6323 to begin the process and a TruStage Claims Specialist will guide you through the process.

*Refer to the Member Agreement for a full explanation of terms and conditions.

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