Tips to Staying Debt-Free This Christmas
It is easy to fall into debt when it comes to Christmas expenses!
See tips below to fund a Christmas budget with cash money and ways in which to save during this upcoming season!
-Know your budget. Create a spending limit for each person you plan to buy for.
-Create a Christmas savings. Cut back on spending and save daily until Christmas. Check out our Santa Saver to earn a high dividend on your savings.
-Remember to maximize on gifts that you may already have.
-To save money, make gifts by hand or sell unused items.
-To those for whom you cannot afford a gift, consider giving an act of service or sharing a favorite recipe.
At Centric, we fill our members Checking Accounts each month with excellent savings with Earn Better and Spend Better Checking to earn savings as you swipe your debit card and dividends on your account balance. The savings are easy to earn and last all year long at Centric!